Our approach to animal welfare is simple:
The fish we offer must be of the very best quality – and in order for the fish to meet this requirement, it must be treated well. That's why animal welfare is the defining factor in every aspect of our business.

Our fish lives in cold, clean water with enough circulation and plenty of oxygen. We measure this continuously.
They have enough space to be able to move in a natural manner – in our cages, the fish only make up 2% of the total volume. They have plenty of space to move around freely, and they´re not distracted or troubled by each other’s presence. Cod is a species that lives in schools and thrives in company.

They eat healthy and nutritious food, as similar as possible to what their wild relatives consume. To give them the exact same food is not possible, but we can make sure that the consistency and nutrients are as close as possible.
To achieve this, we continuously perform research in collaboration with the best manufacturers in the industry.
When the fish are slaughtered, it happens fast. We don't pump them into well-boats and transport the fish to shore, but instead use designated vessels designed to perform the slaughtering process onsite, preventing the fish from undergoing unnecessary stress.
The timespan from when the fish are swimming in saltwater until they are lying in ice can be measured in seconds. They are stunned and undergo the process being unconscious.